Joomla Quickstart Package is a setup of Joomla files that include full XML and php files that installed Joomla with the database. Let me explain in detail: How do I install Quickstart Packages in Joomla? step by step.
Please read the complete article before we begin. What is Joomla? and What is Joomla Architecture?. To install new a quick start package correctly, you’ll need a few files and information. Make sure that your Joomla site is the latest version. That may seem self-evident, but quick-start packages are a great way to get started.

Don’t you know the difference between quickstart packages and templates?
Take your time to read this.
What is a Quick Start Package, and how does it work?
Template providers offer pre-installed, ready-to-use Joomla instances. Sample data sets and a template are included in these “Quick Start” packages. When you buy a template, regardless of where it came from, you’ll get download links for the installer packs. A Quick Start package is not the same as a standard template. Learn how to install a template in Joomla. is a backup of the specific template’s demo site.
It includes the following:
- all Joomla standard files (Joomla CMS)
- all of the extensions used on a demo site
- a template that has been installed and configured
- a template that has been installed and configured
- Sample data (includes configured extensions, custom content, etc.).
You have the choice to download one of the following files using the download links provided when you purchased the template:
- A Template without sample data only installs the template and lets you install all the add-on extensions and configure them yourself.
- A Quick Start package means a template with sample data that makes your site look exactly like the demo of the template from the template developer, with all the sample data and add-ons pre-configured.
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What is a Joomla template?
A Joomla template is only responsible for the management of the site’s layout. Learn How to Create a Joomla Template.
There is no sample data provided in Quickstart.
Customers who already have a live website use a template to redesign our website and want something new in layout. However, they will get a new look like other demo site layouts with the new template, so all modules must be integrated into the new template layout.
NOTE: Joomla Template does not include a database; you will not install a demo setup by installing a template via Template Manager. If you have a clean Joomla setup installed already and want to get a demo copy, then you must delete all Joomla files from your server and install them manually.
Quick Start Package Installation
The first step is to download the Quickstart package zip file from the third-party Template provider.
We recommend that you first back up your website before installing the QuickStart package. Learn how to create a backup of your website. We recommend you delete your site files from the root folder to ensure that your quickstart installation is clean (root). It takes some time to delete the files over FTP, so be patient.
If you’re using SSH, simply upload your zip file (through FTP) and then ‘unzip’ it after you’ve deleted your files. If you’re using FTP, unzip the file on your computer and then upload the files to your root directory, which should be empty. Again, uploading all of those files and directories will take some time.
Each quickstart package will include an Installation folder, so when you see your website in your browser after uploading/unzipping the files, the Joomla installation will begin automatically. Regularly install Joomla.
Joomla 4: How to create an override for the Joomla layout
Make sure you enter the correct information for a successful installation when asked for database details on the “Database Configuration” page. The correct database information (the database prefix) can be found in the configuration.php file you created before starting. Make sure to click “Next” once you’ve finished entering the information.
This is what you’ll need to check for in your configuration file.

Concentrate on the last page. Some template designers will have options here. Sometimes there will be a “Default” and a “Brochure” type, choose “Default.”. Another popular option is “Theme” (name or #), which will serve as their sample data. We have chosen the last option Joomla tutorial data.

Complete the installation process by removing the installation folder from the root folder, as instructed in the final step of the Joomla installation.

Common problems encountered during quickstart installation
You may encounter issues while installing a quickstart package that prevents you from completing the installation successfully. Before checking, issues Learn how to enable error reporting in Joomla.
Here are some of the most common issues that our customers have reported to us in the past:
- After the first step, the installation hangs and you see an infinite loading spinner.
- The installation becomes stuck on one of the steps, and you are unable to proceed to the next step (the next button does not work or reloads the same step).
- Installation is stopped while the sample data is being restored.
- The installation does not begin, and you are displayed on a blank page.
Typically, such problems occur as a result of server configuration or corrupted files.
We’ve prepared a few steps to assist you in resolving any issues that may arise during the quickstart installation.
Step 1: Check that your server fulfils the minimum requirements for running Joomla.
Step 2: Make sure that you have properly uploaded files on your server. If any files are missing or corrupted, your installation will stop or your Joomla will not function properly.
Uploading the unpacked quickstart files to a live server can take a long time. We’ve also discovered that when our clients use FTP to upload data, they frequently have some missing or corrupted files. There are two simple ways to unzip the package on your server. They can save you a lot of time and help you prevent file difficulties.
(a) Use Akeeba Kickstart to unpack the package.
- Download Akeeba Kickstart.
- Upload Akeeba Kickstart and to the same directory on your server.
- Run Akeeba Kickstart in your browser by typing your domain and path to the file, for example:
- Follow the on-screen instructions to unpack the package on your server.
- After unpacking the package, you can move on to your site root to start installation:
(b) Use cPanel to unpack the package:
- Upload on your server
- Go to cPanel of your site and open File Manager.
- In File Manager, select the quickstart package on your server and click on Extract from the toolbar:
- After unpacking the package, you can move on to your site root to start installation:
Step 3: Clear your browser’s cache and cookies, then restart the installation. This easy solution is often helpful.
Step 4: Increase the values in your server’s php.ini file.
If you are using a local environment, such as XAMPP, the php.ini file is located in the following directory:
If you are using a live server, I recommend that you check your hosting instructions or contact technical support directly to learn how to properly update the php.ini values on your server.
Edit the php.ini file using a text editor and locate the line that starts:
Change its value to at least 128M:
Next, locate the line that starts:
Change its value to at least 3000:
Step 5: The final step frequently helps in the resolution of sample data restoration issues.
Find and change the following files in the unpacked files from the quickstart package.:
Replace all appearances of:
Save the files and run the installation once again.
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