How to add Table of Content in WordPress


When creating lengthy and informative content on your WordPress website, it’s essential to provide your readers with an organized and user-friendly way to navigate through the information. A table of contents is a valuable tool that allows visitors to jump directly to the sections that interest them most. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of adding a table of contents to your WordPress website, ensuring an enhanced user experience and improved content accessibility.

In WordPress, a Table of Contents (ToC) is a feature that provides a structured outline of the content within a web page or blog post. It is typically displayed at the beginning of the article or in a designated location within the content. The purpose of a Table of Contents is to help readers navigate through lengthy or detailed articles by providing them with a quick overview of the topics covered and allowing them to jump to specific sections of interest.

The Table of Contents feature in WordPress is especially useful for longer articles, tutorials, guides, or documentation, where it helps improve user experience and allows readers to quickly navigate to the information they are most interested in. It also provides better accessibility and readability, particularly for individuals using screen readers or those who prefer to scan content before diving into specific sections.

Enhance User Experience and SEO with a Table of Contents on Your WordPress Site

A well-organized website is crucial for providing a seamless user experience and ensuring that visitors can easily find the information they need. One effective way to enhance the navigation and readability of your WordPress site is by including a table of contents.

A table of contents serves as a roadmap, providing an overview of the structure and content of your website. It typically appears at the beginning of a page or post, listing the headings and subheadings along with their corresponding links. This feature offers several compelling benefits that can greatly improve the overall usability and engagement of your WordPress site.

Firstly, a table of contents enhances user experience by providing a clear and concise overview of the content. Visitors can quickly scan through the headings and subheadings, enabling them to jump to specific sections that interest them. This saves their time and effort, ensuring they can access relevant information without scrolling endlessly.

Moreover, a table of contents improves the accessibility of your website. For users with disabilities or impairments, such as visual or motor limitations, navigating through a lengthy page can be challenging. By including a table of contents, you empower these users to navigate directly to the sections they need, making your content more inclusive and user-friendly.

Adding a Table of Contents Using Plugins

The Table of Contents in WordPress is generated automatically based on the headings and subheadings (such as H1, H2, H3, etc.) used within the content. These headings are parsed by WordPress and organized hierarchically to create a clickable list of links that correspond to different sections of the article. When a reader clicks on a link in the Table of Contents, they are immediately taken to the corresponding section of the page without having to scroll or manually search for it.

How to add a Table of Contents in WordPress with Easy Table of Contents?

In the following steps, we are installing the Easy Table of Contents plugin –

  1. Install a Table of Contents Plugin:
    • Begin by accessing your WordPress dashboard and navigating to “Plugins” -> “Add New.”
    • In the search bar, type “Table of Contents” to explore the available plugins.
    • Choose a suitable plugin, such as “Table of Contents Plus,” “Easy Table of Contents,” or any other reliable option.
    • Click on the “Install Now” button next to your chosen plugin and then activate it.
  2. Configure the Plugin Settings:
    • Once the plugin is activated, go to the plugin’s settings page. This is typically found under “Settings” -> “Table of Contents” or a similar menu item.
    • Customize the table of contents settings according to your preferences.
    • Options may include choosing the placement of the table of contents (e.g., before or after content), selecting heading levels to include, enabling smooth scrolling, and adjusting the appearance to match your website’s design.
    • Save your settings.
  3. Insert the Table of Contents in a Post/Page:
    • Create a new post or edit an existing one.
    • Compose your content, utilizing appropriate headings (e.g., <h2>, <h3>, etc.) to structure your article or page.
    • Place your cursor at the desired location in the editor where you want the table of contents to appear.
  4. Insert the Table of Contents Block:
    • Click on the “+” button to add a new block in the WordPress editor.
    • Search for the “Table of Contents” block or locate it within the available blocks.
    • Click on the “Table of Contents” block to insert it into your post or page.
  5. Preview and Publish:
    • Preview your post or page to see how the table of contents looks and functions.
    • If you are satisfied with the preview, save your changes and publish your post or page.
    • View your published content to ensure the table of contents is displayed correctly and functions as expected.
  6. Customize the Table of Contents (Optional):
    • If you desire further customization, return to the plugin settings page mentioned in Step 2.
    • Adjust the settings to modify the appearance, behaviour, or any other relevant aspect of the table of contents.
    • Save your changes.

Conclusion: By adding a table of contents to your WordPress website, you empower your visitors to navigate your content effortlessly. With the help of a dedicated plugin, the process becomes simple and efficient. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can enhance the user experience, improve content accessibility, and provide an organized structure to your lengthy articles or pages. Start implementing a table of contents today and make your content more user-friendly than ever before.

Simplify Content Navigation with Shortcode-Based Table of Contents on WordPress

Learn how to streamline content navigation on your WordPress site by adding a table of contents using shortcodes. This flexible and user-friendly method allows you to organize your content effectively.

  1. Understanding Shortcodes: Discover the power of shortcodes in WordPress, enabling you to insert dynamic elements effortlessly. Shortcodes simplify the process of adding a table of contents to any page or post.
  2. Choosing the Right Shortcode Plugin: Find a reliable shortcode plugin with positive reviews and good compatibility. Look for frequent updates to ensure compatibility with your WordPress version.
  3. Installing and Activating the Plugin: Install and activate your chosen shortcode plugin from the WordPress dashboard’s Plugins section.
  4. Configuring the Table of Contents Settings: Customize the appearance and behaviour of your table of contents by accessing the plugin’s settings page. Specify heading levels, positions, styling options, and more.
  5. Inserting the Table of Contents: Open the desired page or post editor and locate the shortcode button provided by the plugin. Insert the shortcode into your content.
  6. Customizing the Table of Contents: Further, customize the appearance using CSS or additional plugin options to match your website’s design.

Conclusion: Improve content navigation and organization on your WordPress site with a shortcode-based table of contents. Follow these simple steps to implement a user-friendly and efficient navigation tool for your visitors.