How to use social media for Parents’ & teachers communication


Communication between parents and teachers is vital for a student’s education and well-being. However, with packed schedules on both sides, finding the time and means to effectively share information can be challenging. This is where utilizing user-friendly, accessible social media tools can help bridge the communication gap.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss:

  • The benefits of parent-teacher communication via social media
  • Choosing the right social media platforms
  • Best practices for teachers using social media
  • Maximizing social media for productive parent-teacher interactions
  • The role of online school management software

The Benefits of Social Media for Parent-Teacher Communication

Using popular social media platforms offers many advantages for facilitating meaningful connections between parents and their children’s teachers.

  • Convenience and accessibility. Social media is easy for parents to access from their smartphones or other devices whenever they have a few free moments. This facilitates more frequent back-and-forth communication.
  • Quick sharing of updates. Tools like Facebook groups allow teachers to efficiently share news about class activities, school events, homework assignments, projects, and more.
  • Direct messaging capabilities. Social networks with direct messaging facilitate confidential conversations regarding individual students.
  • Parent involvement. By participating in class and school social media groups, parents become more invested in their children’s activities.
  • Relationship building. Ongoing positive social media interactions help parents and teachers establish mutual understanding, cooperation, and rapport.

Choosing the Right Platforms

With many leading social networks and chat apps to choose from, narrowing down which ones to use for parent-teacher communication takes some consideration regarding privacy, formality, functionality, and ease of use.

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Facebook offers closed groups specifically for individual classrooms or schools. SMS group messaging apps such as WhatsApp provide streamlined tools for broadcasting alerts and announcements. Video chat platforms like Zoom enable scheduling virtual parent-teacher conferences.

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Teachers should use their best judgment, taking their specific circumstances into account. Platform popularity among parents, privacy protections, and the ability to separate personal and professional accounts on networks like Facebook and Instagram matter. Strictly educational, school-focused platforms may provide the right formal environment depending on context and parents’ comfort levels interfacing via different social media tools.

Best Practices for Teachers

  • While social platforms make parent-teacher communication more convenient, teachers should establish prudent policies and protocols to guide appropriate interactions.
  • Separate personal social media presence from professional accounts used to interface with parents. Keep private life details private.
  • Co-develop guidelines with admin and parents for acceptable types of posts, messaging practices, frequency guidelines, and more.
  • Enable privacy settings and controls for school-related social media groups, such as requiring admin approval to join.
  • Maintain positive relationships, but avoid overly casual peer-like interactions with parents. Preserve some professional distance.

Respond to messages and notifications promptly during school hours when possible. Manage expectations.

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Following such best practices helps prevent potential issues like inappropriate sharing of students’ personally identifiable information, crossing of student-teacher relationship boundaries, and more.

Maximising Social Media for Better Parent-Teacher Interactions

With sound policies in place, teachers can leverage social platforms effectively to facilitate constructive parent-teacher meetings and conversations. Useful tips include:

  • Share regular class updates and pictures of student activities via broadcast posts to keep parents in the loop.
  • Conduct brief check-ins via direct messaging instead of disruptive phone calls during teachers’ instructional time.
  • Use video chat sessions to hold “virtual office hours,” allowing parents to address concerns without taking time off work for in-person meetings.
  • Establish class messaging groups to enable the timely broadcast of event invites, project guidelines, field trip permissions, and other time alerts to parents.
  • Send direct message invites for parents to join closed groups in which they can privately access grades, assignments, attendance reports, and records for their students.
  • Use polls and surveys in groups to get parent feedback on school initiatives, engagement event ideas, learning tools suggestions, and more.

The Role of School Administration Software

While convenient social media tools facilitate helpful teacher-parent interactions, school IT administrators rightfully worry about unauthorized information sharing and security concerns associated with external networks.

This is where comprehensive online school management software like QuickCampus comes in. QuickCampus’s unified learning management and communication system securely contains all student records, grades, attendance data, assignments, school calendars, and parent access portals within the platform environment protected by granular role-based access permissions.

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Both teachers and parents access QuickCampus via user login credentials, avoiding the need to leverage public-facing social media sites to share confidential student details. The QuickCampus parent app allows parents to directly:

  • Message teachers
  • View online school management software for child’s attendance, grades, and fees
  • Receive automatic alert notifications
  • Download learning materials
  • Sign permission forms and submit them digitally

With an all-in-one school ERP system powering vital communication, collaboration, and educational processes, teachers can focus social media efforts solely on community engagement, event updates, and fostering a positive school culture.


Leveraging popular social media tools like Facebook groups and WhatsApp, along with video chat platforms, enables teachers to achieve greater transparency, foster parental involvement, and form cooperative relationships with students’ parents.

By establishing secure internal parent-teacher communication pathways through platforms like QuickCampus in addition to external social media use for community updates and outreach, schools can cover all communications bases. Integrating simple but comprehensive measures ensures the protection of confidential data while still allowing parents, teachers, and school leaders to conveniently access the information and connections they need to support student success.

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