As a freelancer, finding high-paying clients online can be time-consuming, nerve-racking, and frustrating. I’ve been a freelancer for years and understand the struggle all too well. Today, however, I am fully booked and have a waiting list for new clients who would like to work with me. Let’s explain what are the best places to find clients.
How did that take me there? Take a look at the list below to learn the best ways to find clients online as a freelancer.
How To Find Clients Online
When it comes to finding freelancing work, most people do not have creative skills. I was the same way in the beginning. However, there are many excellent ways to find high-paying clients online today. Analyze what works best for your business:
1. Job Boards for Freelancers
Let’s start with the most obvious method most people use to find freelance work. There are various online platforms that connect clients and freelancers.
Clients typically post job openings, and freelancers can apply for open positions. However, there are websites that work in the opposite direction: freelancers have a portfolio of their services and clients can contact them if they are interested.
In any case, these job boards are the most straightforward way to find relevant jobs. You will be able to create a profile with your experience and skills and receive feedback after completing a job. This is an excellent way for beginners to place their first gig.

Let’s See: What is Freelancing and How do I start Freelancing?
How to be Successful with Freelance Job Boards?
I don’t want to put you down. If you can establish yourself as an expert, you can earn a decent income exclusively from freelance platforms. I made nearly $55,000 USD part-time on Upwork alone because I had two long-term clients. So it is definitely possible to succeed there.
Aside from the previously mentioned Upwork, there are a couple of other websites you can look into. As an example:
If you’re looking for more freelance platforms, check out the linked list of 47 of the best ones available.
2. Facebook Groups
Never underestimate the power of Facebook groups! In fact, I discovered my first location-independent job as a content writer through a Facebook group.
You can find high-paying freelance jobs in almost any industry. As an example:
- General job groups, like Digital Nomads Job Board
Job groups for regional positions, like Freelancer Group
- Job groups for specific positions, like Freelance Graphic Design jobs from home
- Industry-related groups, like Indian Industrial Manufacturers, Suppliers & Exporters
You can find groups on a regular basis and apply according to your interesting jobs. You can also post your offer for your clients and that you are looking for new clients.
Before posting job searches, make sure to read the group rules.
Also, don’t approach this too casually. Yes, it’s Facebook, and many people in those groups are very down-to-earth. However, keep your messages professional.
3. Twitter
I’m not sure why people say Twitter is dead so frequently. It is not the case. Far from it. It can be beneficial when it comes to job searches.
Look up hashtags like #hiring or #translationjob, or entire phrases like “looking to hire a marketing specialist” or “looking to hire an architect.”
This also works the other way around, depending on how many followers you have. Every day, I see people in my Twitter feed offering their services and looking for work. Send out short, to-the-point tweets indicating that you are looking for work. Use strong hashtags and encourage your followers to retweet the message.
4. Participate in Quora, Reddit, and other sites.
These platforms are not your typical direct method of job search. You must spend some time making Quora, Reddit, and other similar websites work for you.
Don’t just copy/paste your job search into every thread! That is extremely irritating and will only result in you being marked as spam.
Go ahead and respond to the questions. Contribute your knowledge. Be useful to other users. People in your community will check out your profile if they like what you have to say. Only after you’ve “made your name” on these platforms should you casually drop a line indicating that you’re also available for freelance work.
Let’s See: What is Freelancing and How do I start Freelancing?
5. Request Referrals
Referrals are an excellent way to acquire new clients. They are so important that you should actively seek referrals rather than wait for a former client to do so. After all, it’s not like people are unwilling to recommend you. It’s more that they simply don’t consider it. It never occurs to them.
So go ahead and message them. Explain that you currently have open capacities and would appreciate a referral or connection to someone who might be interested in your service.
Keep it brief and straightforward. If your previous client was pleased with your work, he or she will almost certainly recommend you to a friend or business associate.
6. Follow Up With Potential Clients
They are common among freelancers. We had the previous contact with potential clients, but it never resulted in a contract. Either there wasn’t enough money in the budget to pay you, you couldn’t agree on the scope, or the timing was just not right.
Follow up with these people to see if they are still interested in working together. You just never know. The reason why it didn’t work out with you a few months ago may have vanished, and you can now finally collaborate.
7. Online Community
Examine your contacts to see who might have freelance opportunities for you. LinkedIn is probably the best place to do so, as it is a great place to make business connections and stay in touch with industry insiders.
However, you can also use Facebook, go through your email contacts, or think of former colleagues or classmates.
Send them an email. Explain what you’re doing right now and ask if they need assistance with anything. Even if you only get a small job at first, you never know how this collaboration will develop.
8. Network Offline
Even if you’re looking for a job online, don’t forget to look for it offline as well. Conferences, workshops, and other industry-related events would be ideal.
Perhaps you will immediately find potential clients. If not, chances are you can connect with someone who knows someone else who might need your assistance. You know how it is.
Meetup groups are a great way to meet like-minded people in person. Simply look for groups and events near you and attend a few to see who you can meet.
9. Visit Coworking Spaces.
Coworking is another type of offline networking. I mention them separately because they can be extremely effective when it comes to networking.
Coworking spaces are usually crowded with other freelancers and business owners. This provides numerous opportunities to connect, create synergies, and collaborate.
Fortunately, these types of shared offices can be found almost anywhere nowadays. You should be able to find a few places near you if you Google your town and “coworking.”
10. Create a blog
You could also start your own blog in addition to guest posting. Perhaps you already have a portfolio website that you can integrate into?
A blog with valuable niche-specific content will assist you in gaining exposure. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and knowledge.
A blog allows you to establish authority and attract many visitors to your website. They might want to work with you if they like what you write.