How to get Five Star Review on Freelancing Platform?


In every field, getting the best feedback or review is a very important part. So in this tutorial, we will learn how to 5-star reviews on a freelancing platform.

As a fellow freelancer, I understand that every single review is important, especially if it’s a five-star review.

Without a five-star reputation, your chances of success are very small.

Deliver high-quality service on an ongoing basis and be kind to your clients. That’s all you really can do at your end. If the client still wants to give you 4.5 stars instead of 5 stars, that’s their right. They might feel that you didn’t deserve the full five stars. Or maybe they’re just morons. Not a lot you can do about it.

One thing you can do is ask them directly what part of your service they’re not happy with. Then you can make that better for the future. Just don’t ask them to change their feedback or something like that.

Some might see that as pressing, and I’ve seen freelancers get permanently banned from Upwork because of that. Five Stars on Upwork means that you are a qualified specialist and listen to the client’s needs.

You should keep in mind the details of the project and do what the client needs to do.

Provide some ideas on how to improve the project.

Build a strong relationship with your client

You’re going to get good recommendations from him.

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Simple Tips to Five Star Review on Freelancing:

1. Have Sympathy –

You need to be empathetic about the client’s situation, which will help you avoid friction and heated situations.

If you’re always going to be empathetic to a client, they’re going to communicate with you more than just communicating like a client in a human conversation.  By showing your sympathy, you can bring down the client’s defense, because when people know you’re taking care of them, they’re going to be soft and genuine with you, rather than being strict and distant.

2. Never say you’re Wrong –

As creators and experts in our field, many times we tend to find our client’s feedback worthless and bad. But don’t ever tell them they’re wrong because it makes any human being defensive and proves their point if someone tells them they’re wrong. They will try to prove that they are right not to bring the best solutions, but to prove that they are right. So, in this kind of situation, remember that, rather than telling them right away, ask them what the client wants to do with the feedback he/she has given. And then tell them why you don’t think it’s going to work, not just telling you what you think, but bringing hard facts to the table and telling them why it’s going to be bad.

3. Offer Knowledge with Solution –

When you present the solutions and work you have done for your client, you need to back up your work with facts, knowledge, and wisdom. You need to bring the facts together with the solutions to make your delivery even stronger, you need to understand that this is not just about selling them what you think is best, but

you need to make them understand what are the reasons you have done things the way you have.

And you need to make them understand how this is going to help them achieve the desired objectives that your client wants to achieve.

4. Be Passionate and Enthusiastic

This is just the most basic and most important advice I can give you to bring more clients with you. Have you ever realized that we all want to be around people who are more happy, more cheerful and more enthusiastic, the main reason is that we know they’re enjoying themselves and that they’re going to make you feel happy as well!

As a client, if you’re more cheerful and enthusiastic, he wouldn’t just want to hire you because they want to feel happy, but you’ll let them know that you enjoy what you’re doing and you’re passionate about it.

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We all want those people to work for us who are more passionate about their work than people who are just depressed and serious. Often, these people seem to be just working to finish the job, and they’re doing it for money and not for fun.

An enthusiast seems to be doing this job because it brings the best out of themselves and they enjoy their work. That’s why the chances are high for them to get hired.

These are the best ways to get 5-star reviews from your client. Good luck

How to address a bad review?

No one wants bad reviews,  but If you get your first move should respond to them. A negative review will remain negative forever if it’s never addressed, so make a quick response and reach out to the client to see if there’s anything you can do to fix the situation, and if you can, then do it at no extra charge.

Hopefully, they will be encouraged to update their review. Then, other  Upwork clients will be able to see that you have successfully addressed and addressed a problem that adds to your credibility.

Is it okay to ask a client for 5-star feedback on Upwork?

Just to be clear about that. It’s OK to REMIND a client to give you a review after you’ve done your job and paid for it. But it’s not OK to ASK particularly regarding the five-star reviews.

You’re sending the wrong message this way. You have already described your work as an excellent one that deserves a five-star review with this request. Well, that’s the privilege of a client.

If you have to ask for a five-star review then it means that you don’t deserve it. As a freelancer reviews are the most important thing for us. All of them are authentic and well-deserved. And, not all of them are five-star.  honestly, it would be a bit suspicious about a freelancer who has the perfect score of 5.0 and only five-star reviews.

You should be aware that asking for a five-star review is something that a client may use against you. Your client can inform Upwork Support and then you can be in trouble with your request. Which can be qualified as unethical and a violation of Upwork’s Terms of Service.

So, don’t ask, but wait for your five-star Upwork feedback.

See also: What is Hourly Protection on Upwork?