How to become Upwork Freelancer?


To become a freelancer on Upwork you have to set up your account. So if you want to learn about How to set up the best Upwork profile on Upwork.

In this article, we will share the best tips to help you make the first impression that gets new projects.

Top tips when you start freelancing on Upwork

Right now, your main focus is on getting your first Upwork job, so let’s get started there. We’ll talk about profiles, proposals, and interview preparation in the following points.

After that, we’ll take a look at the big picture: how to keep your talents sharp as your business grows.

Make a profile that stands out from the crowd

As previously stated, you must complete at least 60% of your profile before you can start submitting proposals for job openings on Upwork.

A thorough profile not only gives clients a clear view of your experience but also helps Upwork match you with more suitable projects.

If you want to get Rising Talent status or become a Top-Rated freelancer, both of which can help you create a stronger reputation on Upwork, you’ll need to complete your profile.

Use every portion of your resume, from the employment category you choose to the overview section you write, to highlight your skills and present yourself as a professional. Also, don’t underestimate the value of your internet portfolio.

A portfolio is one of the first things Overholt looks at, especially when it comes to creative abilities like writing and design. they believe that freelancer portfolios frequently contain only a few work samples, which is insufficient.

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“I guess I have about 30 to 40 different samples in my portfolio,” she explained. This variation is useful for two reasons:

Clients want to know if you’ve worked on projects similar to theirs or if you’ve worked in their sector. With more samples, they’ll have more chances to notice the overlap.

It allows clients to have a better idea of the range of services you do. You may be aware that logos and brochures require the same level of expertise, but a potential client may not.

“We all have to start someplace,” she remarked, “and you might have to fake it until you make it.” “ I began with no portfolio, doing work for family and friends as well as for myself. Those were the projects I worked on till I got more experience as a freelancer.”

Do you want to know more?

  • Get additional tips on how to make your freelancer portfolio more successful.
  • An opening video—60 seconds (or less) to show prospects who you are and what you do—can take your profile to the next level.
  • Find additional in-depth advice on how to create a standout freelancer profile.

Create winning proposals

Getting new clients begins with your proposal and cover letter—which involves determining what it takes to capture their attention.

“When I post a new project as a client, I can get anywhere between 10 and 50 submissions,” Overholt explained. “Clients don’t have time to read through every proposal; they scan them.” You’re attempting to stand out in a crowd of 50 other professionals, which can be daunting!”

Be succinct. Andreea-Lucia Mihalache, a freelance writer, discovered that keeping her proposal to the point yielded the best results.

Mihalache showed how she constructed a short proposal template and why she customizes it every time in How to Create a Proposal That Wins Jobs. “You only have a few seconds to capture your client’s attention,” she explained.

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Concentrate on Asked Questions

Concentrate on the client. According to Peggy, it is critical to keep your attention on the client rather than on yourself. “One piece of advice I took to heart was to use the term ‘you’ more than ‘I,’ and remembering that stops me,” she said. “In a cover letter, I’ll tell a prospective client that ‘your work piqued my interest,’ rather than ‘I am this and I am that.'”

Make a plan for your efforts. Danny Margulies, a freelance copywriter, and Upwork client suggest using the “upside-down proposal” strategy.

This is referring to the proposal process on Upwork: If a customer asks additional questions as part of their job posting, your responses will be displayed at the top of your submission.

“Answer the additional questions [first], put a lot of excellent, juicy nuggets in there, exhibit your knowledge, demonstrate your care for clients in those additional questions, and then move on to your cover letter,” he advised in Power Proposal Tips to Help You Get Noticed.

Take care not to over-promise. It’s critical to set the correct expectations on Upwork, according to Peggy, to help protect your reputation.

“You may read a proposal and say to yourself, ‘I can probably do that.’ “You then oversell yourself to the client in order to get the project,” she explained. “If you don’t deliver, you could wind yourself in a shambles with a low rating.”

Prepare yourself for interviews

There are a few essential points to consider if you want to ace your next client interview:

  • Show up on time and dress professionally, just like you would if you were meeting someone in person.
  • Review the job posting and be prepared to ask probing questions.
  • Get as much information on the client as possible ahead of time.

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If the clients haven’t provided any information in their job posting, researching them can be difficult—but don’t give up too soon:

  • Examine reviews from other freelancers with whom they’ve collaborated. Do they mention anyone’s name or anything about the company?
  • Is the client’s industry or customer mentioned in the job posting? Even if you have no idea who the client is, learning more about the project can help.
  • You may not need to do an interview if your proposal, profile, and online portfolio are perfect—or if you offer a bundled service on Project Catalog.

“My area of expertise is relatively unique, and I’ve been employed for more than I’ve been interviewed,” Peggy explained. “I’ve found that once a client has gotten to the stage of sending me a message, I usually get the work.”

Be patient when you’re looking for your first client.

When you’re new to Upwork, one of the most important things you can do is learn the rules so you don’t breach them by accident, and figure out how to make the job marketplace work for you.

“When I initially started on Upwork, I had a couple of people contact me with what I assumed was a scam—those are the kinds of things you prevent by following the rules and understanding why they’re in there,” Peggy explained.

She continued, “It’s tempting to just leap in.” “However, even with my prior knowledge, I had to establish my Upwork business from the ground up.” If you’re new to Upwork and running your own business, there’s a lot to learn, from how to market yourself to how to get paid to pay your bills.

Upwork also offers a lot of resources, including:

  • The Talent Resource Center has articles, videos, ebooks, and other resources to help you gain insight, knowledge, and inspiration.
  • Upwork Help has hundreds of how-to articles to help you understand the site’s various features and functionality.
  • The Upwork Community is a place where you can connect with other freelancers directly.

“What was the one thing I got right when I first started?” “I paid attention to people who had been in my shoes and succeeded, rather than those who had tried and failed,” Overholt explained.

“I read blogs and followed the advice of top-rated freelancers who had earned $100k or $200k on Upwork,” she said. “There are so many successful people who are willing to share what they’ve learned. All you have to do now is contact us!”

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How to Get More Jobs on Upwork in 2021 has more tips to help you expand your business.

Continue to learn new things and improve your skills.

When it comes to running a business, one thing you’ll quickly realize is that being proactive pays off, whether it’s thinking about your next project, keeping up with industry trends, or keeping your skills sharp.

When it comes to current abilities, independent talent may have an advantage over employees: In the recent six months, they’re nearly twice as likely to have completed skills training.

Consider including time for regular research and learning as you begin to craft out your new routine as a business owner. Check out some of the best tools for independent talent to keep their talents fresh and generate new ideas.

The Next Steps

That’s a lot of data to process! We hope it boosts your self-assurance as you start freelancing on Upwork and start your new independent life. Sign up for an account on Upwork if you haven’t already.

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