Top 10 Free Source Code Editors For developers


Web developer work on an application with multiple programming languages, So he writes code or update existing code and uses an editor according to their requirements. So code editor is a very useful tool for a developer. Now let me explain the top 10 free source code editors for developers.

You need a code editor powerful enough to handle anything you can throw at it, whether you are a novice web developer or a veteran code junkie.

This could only be the main part of your toolkit. Since this is a continuous search for most of the field, we wanted to provide some of the best options—free and premium—for you to integrate into your workflow.

What are Free Source Code Editors?

The software that is specifically designed to support developers in coding is code editors or source code editors. These are actually text editors with some additional functionality to handle and edit code. It may be stand-alone or it may be part of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Using the best code editor can improve coding speed. Code editors are specific to the programming language. Some editors support one or two programming languages, while some support multiple programming languages. Suggestions and highlights can only be made based on language support. Code editors do not compile code. It just allows you to write and edit your source code

Difference between text editors and code editors

 A text editor is used to edit text files as the name suggests, and there’s nothing great about it. The notepad is an example of a text editor.

Code editor, on the other hand, is specifically meant to modify the code. They provide you with a variety of features such as auto-indent, bracket matching, variable colors, keywords, comments, preprocessor directives, strings, etc.

Code editors are generally integrated with the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). There are only a few standalone code editors like Notepad++.

The code editor is a tiny piece of software like a text editor. The only difference is that the code editor has more special features than the text editor.

The special function of code editors

Depending on the language used to write, the code editor highlights special keywords, gives recommendations for a certain extent, offers automatic indentation functionality, and also has an integrated terminal as well. Ex: Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code

Structure Editor is a form of the coding editor, or we may claim that it is a functionality that is included in the editors. Structure editing is used to modify the structure of a code based on a syntax tree. The syntax tree is nothing but the structure of the code that is written in the programming language.

Of course, the code editor will do anything (search, replace, maybe with regexes, macros/automation, etc.). And more than that. It is predictably designed to edit the source code (programs, textual data like JSON or XML, etc.), Sometimes it offers syntax highlighting, code snippets, autocompletion, Perhaps basic error detection (like unclosed string), more advanced navigation (jump to matching brace/bracket/parenthesis/tag), maybe auto-indentation, etc

 How do code editors help programmers?

It lets you handle indentation more quickly and also provides auto-formatting so you don’t even have to apply indents yourself most of the time.

It formats the text as you want it, and it also provides syntax highlighting that makes it easier to read the code.

Editors will provide auto-fill so that you don’t have to type a long variable, function, or class name over and over.

It will also automatically close brackets, quotations, parentheses, and other symbols that have an open and closed side.

It can also automatically add import statements as needed, which would otherwise be a real pain and is typically difficult for new programmers to find out.

Editors can provide information about arguments and return types for methods, so you don’t have to look at them every time you use a method that you don’t know about.

It can check for errors as you type, saving tons of time that you would otherwise need to spend on compiler debugging or running time errors.

It can also provide useful tools to update things automatically when you change the name of a variable or class or the location of a class file.

 Best Free Code Editors for Windows & Mac

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1. Komodo Edit

The Komodo Edit software is one the most useful source code editor from the op 10 free source code editors for developers’ powerful code editor that can easily run the long codes that you’ve spent on your sprints.

The application enables you to execute the following functions directly from the application. These functions include integrations with other technologies such as Grunt, Vagrant, PhoneGap, grunts, and many more like them.

You can also perform unit testing for all of your quality assurance processes, debugging to make your code error-free, and refactoring.

This application is available for use by Windows, Linux, and Mac device owners from around the world.

Price: a free trial is available

Key Features :

  • A lot of modern colors schemes
  • Easily integrates into your desktop environment
  • Multiple language Editor
  • Native Unicode support and Unicode compatibility check
  • Changes to track
  • Multiple choices
  • Quick Bookmark
  • Smart Detection of Language
  • Split view and multi-window view
  • Variable to highlight
  • Browser for Symbol
  • Autocomplete and call tips for
  • Soft characters and matching bracelets

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2. Geany

Geany is an editor that uses the GTK+ toolkit. It also has several basic features of an integrated development environment. The tool supports a lot of file types and has some nice features.

  • Price: Free of charge
  • Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux
  • Key Features:
    • Allows you to add a note to the project preferences for applying the indent settings navigation via the source code
    • Allows the popup menu on the notebooks and sidebar of the message window
    • Display status message when attempting to execute empty background action
    • Highlighting syntax
    • Symbols/words auto-completion
    • Auto-closing of tags for XML and HTML
    • Several file types are supported, including C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal, and others.
    • Navigating Code
    • Quick management of a project
    • Create completion/snippets
    • Call tip
    • Lists symbol
    • Build a framework for compiling and executing your code
    • Interface with Plugin

3. Bluefish

It is an excellent cross-platform editor that can manage and run several code files simultaneously at once. Another feature developers love about this application is that from their remote workstation, which can be anywhere in the world, they can edit their code.

For web developers and programmers, this application provides several different options that can help them write code, websites, and scripts for quality testing of their applications.

Price: Free

Platforms: Mac Windows Linux

Features :

  • Load hundreds of files in seconds
  • Auto-recovery of changes after a crash, destroy, or shutdown in updated documents.
  • The support role for projects allows you to work effectively on several projects.
  • Limitless feature of undo/redo.
  • Fully featured image insert dialogue box
  • Multi-thumbnail generation for easy creations of photo albums or screenshot pages

4. Vim

Vim is another program that is allegedly extensive and can be considered to be an IDE inside itself. It is a highly advanced open-source code editor that allows you the ability to change the program to your taste as a developer.

With the support of software-embedded Vim editors and UNIX systems, the program can handle all of the developers’ text-editing activities in no time at all, whether the application is used online or on the premises.

Price: Free

Platform: Linux

Features :

  • Extensive support for a browser
  • Strong search and replace
  • Integrates with several instruments
  • Record and Replay Macro
  • Help for hundreds of languages and file formats for programming
  • His memory footprint is extremely poor
  • It is highly configurable and stores its configuration using a simple text file.
  • It supports multiple tabs that allow multiple files to function.

5. Notepad++

Notepad++ is a popular free-to-use C++ code editor. It uses a pure win32 API that provides greater speed of execution and limited program size. It only works in the window environment and uses the GPL License.

Platform: Windows

Price: Free

Main Features:

  • Auto-completion: completion of expression, completion of function
  • User-specified Syntax highlighting and folding
  • Support for multi-view and multi-language
  • Enable syntax highlighting for languages such as PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Macro recording and replay
  • Completely customizable GUI
  • Auto-Save
  • Guided indentations
  • Macro’s
  • Split-screen editing and synchronized scrolling

6. Atom

Atom is one of the most popular and useful code editors on this list. Used by millions of developers all over the world, this is a wonderful application with a very basic UI that improves its usability.

One of the cool features of this best free code editor is that developers can submit packages directly from the program. Atom is available for use on various platforms: Windows, Linux, and Mac computers. If you’re a Mac OS user, this is the perfect time for you to take a shot of this tool

price: free

Main Features:

  • Integrated Package Manager for Plugins Support
  • Help the Command Palette
  • Smart auto-completion function
  • Cross Editing platform
  • Built-in Package Manager
  • Browser for file system
  • Find the method and replace it
  • Smart auto-completion
  • Multiple panels
  • Packages and themes

7. Visual Studio code

Visual Studio Code (VSC) is an open-source code editor created by Microsoft. This free text editor includes built-in support for TypeScript, JavaScript, and Node.js. Autocomplete with IntelliSense features offers smart completions based on variable types, critical modules, and function descriptions.

One of the most powerful and time-saving features of this application is its infusion of A.I.

This means that the program reads all the code that the developer writes in the application. As a result, auto-responses for writing code are created. These responses are based on variable types, feature descriptions, and main modules.

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Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux

Price: Free of charge

Features :

  • Easy to work with Git and other SCM (Software Configuration Management) providers.
  • Code refactoring and debugging
  • Easily extensible and customizable
  • Live Share
  • Helpers (Intellisense, Context Menus)
  • Plugins and Themes
  • Debugging
  • Split Views, Zen Mode
  • Integrated Terminal

8. Brackets

Brackets is a lightweight tool designed by Adobe. It’s the best text editor for open source. It provides you toggle between the view of your source code and the browser.

Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux

Price: Free of charge

Features :

Quick Edit UI feature puts inline context-specific code and tools

  • Offers live preview, preprocessor support, and inline editor support
  • Pleasant UI-looking
  • Especially developed tool for Mac OS
  • It comes with a built-in extension manager for quick and productive extension management.

9. NetBeans

Another code editor on this list, one of the most famous code editors, is NetBeans. It is open-source software that developers can use to develop applications using programming languages such as PHP, Java, and C++, among many others.

This software also includes features such as code analyzers that can debug your code for you and converters to change anything that needs to be modified.

If your applications have been built in recently, be advised that NetBeans allows you to update all your applications to new and improved Java 8 language builds.

Platforms: Mac Windows Linux

Price: Free

Features :

  • Easy & Effective Project Management
  • This free text editor offers quick and smart editing of the code
  • Development of Rapid User Interface
  • Helps you write bug-free code

10. Kite

Kite is a Code Editor that automatically completes several line codes. The editor supports more than 16 languages. It makes your code faster without any hassle.


  • It provides documentation for different languages
  • This editor will include the signature feature as you type it.
  • You’re going to get a tooltip on the mouse hover.
  • Provides email support.
  • Uses machine learning models for the development of applications.

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